Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
"Starting Weight" - correction or change? 7 messages
Last message on 01/07/23 by Britt: Valentines weight loss
Client reports feature request 6 messages
Last message on 12/20/22 by Dietician: Hi BGMCBariatricProgram, Great! I passed on your request to the developers to see if it is possible to add this function for Professional Connect. They definitely welcome RD suggestions to enhance this new feature! Have a great day and thanks for...
Clothes for now 3 messages
Last message on 12/19/22 by Dietician: Hi there U1193627870-Congrats on your new baby! What a busy and exciting time in your life~ You have lost weight quickly in the last month. Are you eating regular meals? Are you meeting your protein needs each day? Remember to be gentle with...
Food cravings 12 messages
Last message on 12/18/22 by Suzib123: Cheesecake....vanilla yogurt add 1 talb. Sugar free pudding mix and top with sugar free cool whip!
CKD Diet; low protein; low phosphorous, low sodium, very low phosphorous. 3 messages
Last message on 12/09/22 by U1193866906: There is no substitute for milk! Even if it's your entire source of potassium it's not something you can readily just give up on!
Mounjaro 1 messages
Last message on 11/26/22 by FeIsMe: Is anyone else taking Mounjaro?
Atkins 8 messages
Last message on 11/21/22 by KatLosesWeight: I just started doing high protein low carb. So far I am dong okay. 5.4 lbs. down in 3 days. Logging in everything I eat. Eating 3 meals and 2 snacks. I grocery shopped and made sure I had all the right foods around me.
Archived Ask a Dietitian 4/24/14 - 10/21/14 439 messages
Last message on 09/19/22 by Dietician: Hi there Powerhousemom- Sounds like we should get our support team involved. Simply email them at and let them know your user id. You can find your user ID under the "Me" tab>Support & FAQs>Diagnostics. Have a great day!...
I’m fat 💀 8 messages
Last message on 09/13/22 by Suzib123: Sorry to hear your problem.... I like the Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet, it is full of information. The book has menu plans and recipes. I have the second edition. You can go on-line and get a preread before you buy it or find at a used book store!...
Southern grove food products 4 messages
Last message on 08/31/22 by Dietician: Hi U1193092433- MyNetDiary tries to make it easy to update the nutrition facts for a food/product using the Photo Food Service feature. This article and video walk you through how to use this feature- ... ... If you run into any roadblocks we have...
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.