Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Healthy Recipes 4 messages
Last message on 03/29/22 by Tanishkevich: Hi! I love this one. ...
MyNetDiary videos 4 messages
Last message on 03/28/22 by CanadaAnne: Thank you!
ARCHIVED Ask A Dietitian 2/21/13 - 2/7/14 700 messages
Last message on 03/15/22 by Dietician: Hi there Paulwd- We are happy to help! From your dashboard, tap on your breakfast. Once you see a list of the foods you want to copy, tap on the 3 dots with the circle around them (upper right hand corner). Then select copy/edit food entries. Then...
Mental Health With Regards to Losing Weight 4 messages
Last message on 03/03/22 by Dietician: Hi Purpleunicorgi, You mentioned that you are concerned you may have an undiagnosed binge eating disorder. Please read this recent article that can help you learn the signs of binge eating disorder and tips and links for seeking help for it if...
Plateau :( 5 messages
Last message on 02/17/22 by Suzib123: Wow today's lesson was a great one. Butterball ground turkey states 1lb. 7 oz. on package. My lesson was that I browned all 1.7lbs! Then I measured out 1 lb for my grits receipe, how much was left...? Well was I surprised when it weighed out...
Medical fast 2 messages
Last message on 02/17/22 by BrightLineEater: Nevermind …my apologies.
Any vegans on?? 7 messages
Last message on 02/16/22 by CanadaAnne: Hi U1191770860, You can turn off your macro setting. Everyone is different & if you feel well & are losing weight at a healthy rate then stick to what works for you.
"MyNetDiary Calorie Counter PRO Updated for iOS8 with HealthKit Integration" article discussion 31 messages
Last message on 02/08/22 by Dietician: Hi there U4925404- Let me make sure I am following you~ You are curious if you are eating enough. You are wondering if you should take in an additional 500 calories a day to make up for the energy burned moving around your office, etc? If your...
No weight loss/6 month plateau 3 messages
Last message on 02/07/22 by U1188055796: I suggest alternating strength exercises and cardio. I.E. odd days running - Even days push ups, weights, pull ups. It helped me when I hit plateau
Old (37 yrs) post gastric by pass 7 messages
Last message on 02/07/22 by Tryinghardtoloose: I am a bypass patient from 6 years ago. I lost 110 but gained back 40 so today is my first day with the app and my new weight loss journey. I am looking forward to reading comments from normal people just like me and hopefully find some needed...
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.