No weight loss/6 month plateau Topic
Hi. So I’ve been using this app to track my meals as I am following a low carb diet. I eat under 50g of carbs a day and drink nothing but water, and have been in a plateau for over 6 months now. I don’t know what to do to break this I have tried everything. I am even staying in my caloric budget and still no change. I have also starting doing sit-ups just to add in somewhat of a little exercise . I’m thinking I’m in this big plateau because I lost so much weight 2 years ago and haven’t gained all of it back (all but like 15lbs) but I literally cannot lose weight and don’t know what to do. I’m doing everything the app is instructing me to do… do you have ANY SUGGESTIONS?? I really would like to be down 30-40lbs by May 2022.
Increase your Exercise intensity
I suggest alternating strength exercises and cardio.
I.E. odd days running
- Even days push ups, weights, pull ups.
It helped me when I hit plateau
No weight loss/6 month plateau