Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Logging Supplements (Vitamins, etc.)... 2 messages
Last message on 12/21/23 by Dietician: Hi there - Thanks for the feedback! I just passed it along to the developers. They really appreciate hearing from people who use the app and are always looking for ways to make tracking more streamlined. I'd suggest creating a custom "Meal" for...
Is there an API available? 8 messages
Last message on 12/07/23 by Mnd_tech_support: Hello Tawbg, Thank you for reaching out to us on the forum. While we currently do not have a public API available in MyNetDiary, I understand your interest in accessing specific data points for generating custom reports. While our reports feature...
How to “take a break” without messing up my stats (too much)? 2 messages
Last message on 11/08/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1196195634- Good for you for finding what works best for your lifestyle and sanity! Tracking is meant to be a useful activity, not a grade or stressor. There's no harm (besides as you mentioned a bit less accurate analysis) in taking...
Orthostasis hypotension 2 messages
Last message on 10/15/23 by Dietician: Hi Moe- Welcome to MyNetDiary! The app is very flexible and allows you to set your own nutrient targets. This article can help: ... That's great you are working closely with your healthcare team on this! There are other ways to increase blood...
Daily Food Grade 6 messages
Last message on 08/10/23 by Dietician: Hi U1196327616, You can either enter them along with food or in medication section. Some vitamin supplements are already available in the database, such as Centrum-Women multivitamin-mineral supplement or D3 1000IU vitamin supplement or you can...
Delete target date 3 messages
Last message on 08/02/23 by Nikita.Support: Hi Chelss. Currently it is not possible to remove the target date. You can just set up your recommended Calorie Budget manually and ignore the target date or rate altogether. Best regards, MyNetDiary support team
take away foods 5 messages
Last message on 03/03/23 by Dietician: Hi there Rojoimages- You can easily do this using the Photo Food feature. This video walks you through the steps: ... If you run into issues, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. They are happy to help! Simply email:...
Hcg drops 30 messages
Last message on 02/22/23 by Dietician: Hi KatLosesWeight- Hope your tracking is going well! We at MyNetDiary want you to reach your weight loss goals in as healthy a way as possible! We suggest eating at least 1,200 calories/day, spread evenly between meals and snacks, and at least 60...
Connecting Friends 2 messages
Last message on 01/18/23 by Dietician: Hi NateL0220- Welcome to MyNetDiary! You can invite friends on the right toolbar when inside the community tab (on the web app) OR tap on the "social" tab >your profile> Invite friends when using iOS. If you run into any roadblocks do not...
Hashimoto Hypothyroidism 3 messages
Last message on 01/16/23 by U1194199765: I had Hashimotos disease. Are you on h thyroid medication to insure your thyroid levels are normal not low. If not I recommend to talk to your doctor about this.
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.