low carb at 60g? Topic

Hello all! I’m new to low carb. What does everyone think about starting with 60g until after New Years then going down to 40 then 20 to get into keto? I eventually want to get into ketosis to see how I feel as I am hoping to see less joint pain and inflammation. I am wondering if 60 is still considering “low carb”.

Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. It’s better to start slowly and see how the body reacts since everyone is different

Hi there U1191411848-
Research shows that there are several different diet plans that work when it comes to losing weight. Low-carb is one of those plans.

Here are some resources that will help you meet your nutrient needs while reducing carbs and calories. In addition to these tips in the articles below, make sure to pay attention to your body. How is your energy when eating 60g of carb a day? Are you still able to eat enough fiber to feel full and keep you regular at 60g cho/day? Have you noticed a shift in blood sugar/sleep as a result of reducing carbs? These other health metrics are important, in addition to a lower number on the scale. Please update us on your progress! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)


low carb at 60g?