Lost 11lbs of fat in 2 months 💪 Topic

I’m thrilled! It’s been a long (multi year) tough journey and I have worked really hard. I’m at 23% BF now. There’s always more to lose, but for now I’ll enjoy this moment. I’m the leanest and fittest I’ve been in a very long time. It’s right before my birthday too 🥳


Hi Cornholio- Congrats on this health milestone! Strong work on crafting a new lifestyle. Consistent exercise and healthy eating take a lot of effort and you are making it happen. Way to go! Cheers to a fantastic birthday! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I am at 30% and quite jealous😅

Thank you, Joana and Grumpy!

I was at 30-32% a couple of years ago. It’s worth it, I promise. Then you can change your handle to “They-call-me—-happy” :)

Lost 11lbs of fat in 2 months 💪