Keto recipes Topic
How do I find recipes which are suitable on a Keto plan? I searched for Keto in the recipe database, but only found 39 recipes. In the list of recipies the calories are listed, but not the grams of net carbs, fats and proteins, which are crucial in Keto. Am I missing something? I thought there would be an option somewhere to set that you follow the Keto diet, so the info would be shown. This is my main reason for using mynetdiary, so it would be quick and easy to find suitable recipes and then logging them.
I noticed that it is possible to set the Keto plan in the ios app. And then it is possible to search for keto recipes from there. Is there an option to specify gluten-free, so that it searches on gluten-free keto recipes only? Now it seems that you can only search on one or the other, not both at the same time.
replied to Marina...
Hi there Marina-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! You can filter your Premium recipe search to include Keto AND wheat-free- though not gluten-free. Currently, there are 218 recipes that fall into both categories.
-Once you find a recipe that sounds appealing, simply tap on the image and scroll down to review the "Food Label". There you will see the net carbs, fats, proteins etc.
You may find these resources helpful to get the most out of recipe entry as well as setting custom nutrient targets:
Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Keto recipes