Weight loss and diary addiction Topic

I changed my vegetarian diet from birth to vegan because my weight went dramatically up (30 lbs) during the last 6 years. I was very skinny, after gaining 30 lbs, I am the only one feeling not so great about food addiction and especially diary addiction. The biggest decision I have made for my diet was to give up my diary addiction. I think if I can give up my most favorite food source, other things will just naturally follow. It works. I feel great. I was in meditation for over 15 years (from age 5 to 18), gave up many times ago and now I come back that meditation and just realize mediation was a true help, I was so young, I did not realize the benefit until I start to pay attention on my diet, food addiction and stress.
I don’t know if anyone is on the same path like me?

Weight loss and diary addiction