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So I stumbled upon this app and so far I like it. It’s my first day of tracking and I found it easy to do. I was glad that it wasn’t so complicated that I wanted to delete the app lol By tracking my food I was motivated to go for a walk since I went a little over. I have been trying to motivate myself to get moving to no avail. Hopefully this app will be the tool to help me lose the weight that I sooo need to.

Kee it up. The social part might not be the best but the app is very good and it has very meaningful tips. And it works well with Fitbit

Hey nance, I’m gonna be brutally honest with you! Sorry in advance 😁

If you need an app to motivate you to lose the weight then you are not motivated enough.

But you do want to lose weight, because you downloaded it and tried it out, you just need a solid plan.

This app is good for keeping you accountable for your calories so it definitely has value.

It’s also an eye opener to how much you really consume. Like some days you think you are barley eating and it turns out you’ve had 3000 calories!

So use this app but you should just walk for the sake of walking, Or run even!😁
Get some sort of routine and use this app as an aid and you’ll be golden. I believe in you nance 👊

New to MyNetDiary