Losing weight with major health issues Topic
Today is my first day on this app. I have OA, RA, and ME/CFS with PEM. I don’t sleep well and I live in constant pain though it has gotten better because of my orthopedist and rheumatologist. I have to lose my weight by following the Mediterranean diet and increasing exercise. I enjoy walking my dogs, occasionally riding my bike, and occasionally swimming but need to move consistently. My problem is I get post-exertional malaise. I’m frustrated because I always crash after any type of exertion and need a way to consistently exercise for at least 30 minutes. Any suggestions or helpful advice would be most welcome. Thank you!
Hi Carousel! My first day on this app was yesterday so we can be newbies together :) here’s to making progress and having more control over our lives!
Hi Carousel,
Welcome to MyNetDiary! Sorry to hear you are dealing with many health challenges and get tired after exercise. Is it possible for you to do shorter periods of exercise and build up as tolerated? Perhaps start at 10 minutes? Here are some articles you may find useful.
Most of the exercise videos in this blog are around 10 minutes.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Thank you so much for the articles. I will take some time to read through them. I will try to exercise by pacing myself and start at a lower amount of time exercising with increases and see how that works for me. I appreciate your help, Dietition!
Hello, Jodibg! Yes, good to meet a fellow newbie and progress forward on our individual journeys! Looking forward to our success.
Losing weight with major health issues