get period back Topic

Hi name is Unica Garcia! I started working out but not changing my diet but I had lost my period for 3 months. I don’t wanna gain weight. But I need to get my period back. How do I do it?

Hi Unica- Losing your period during the teen years is a sign that your health is out of balance. This is a serious issue and something that needs attention. While tracking food & exercise can be valuable for users wanting to improve their health, it can reinforce unhealthy behaviors for those with or at risk for disordered eating. I am concerned you may be struggling with disordered eating.

Please talk with your parents and let them know you are struggling. We take health very seriously at MyNetDiary and do not allow anyone under the age of 18 to track their food or use the site without the direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian

When women do not eat enough to fuel their body, this can lead to a loss of menstruation. This can have lasting effects on your health. Please talk with your parents about getting you connected with a doctor and dietitian who specialize in helping young people with disordered eating. I suggest you take care of your body, delete the app and get the help you need as soon as you can.

I realize this wasn't what you were hoping to hear. We are looking out for your health and safety and don't want to make things worse. Please let me know you received this. All the best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I don’t count my calories and I eat whatever I crave. But idk why I lost my period.

Hi U1188971445-
We are happy you reached out as losing your period is a big deal!
There are several reasons why this may have happened. I would suggest talking with your parents and letting them know what is going on, if you have not already done so. Then I would suggest going to see your doctor and discussing your eating, weight change, activity, and overall health with them.
Even if you aren't counting calories and eat whatever you want, you still may be under-nourishing your body. At age 16, your energy needs are high, because you are still growing. With an active lifestyle, you will need to eat even more. I noticed that you are underweight for your height. This can also contribute to losing your period.

I am concerned that tracking using MyNetDiary is not helping you. I would suggest stopping the app for now and getting some help. You may be struggling with disordered eating and not even realize it. This is very serious and I would hate for you to continue to struggle and suffer in silence. Finally- here at MyNetDiary we lookout for people's health. If you are under 18 years of age, you must use the app with your parent's oversight and approval. I have added a few links that are important for you to review:
Please know this comes from a place of compassion.
Hang in there! and Please let me know you received this. Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Okay thank you what do you is the amount of calories do you recommend? I’m 5’5 and weight 109lbs

Hello U1188971445-
Eating a balanced diet consisting of 3 meals a day and several snacks is the best way to go. Many clients find that if they implement this snack and meal plan AND listen to their body they feel good.
Check out the plate plan ( to get a sense of what a balanced diet looks like. In addition to talking with your parents and meeting with your doctor, I'd suggest meeting with a registered dietitian who specializes in disordered eating. They can help you develop a healthy relationship with food and eat enough to fuel your body and get your period back. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

okay thank you so much

get period back