Gaining weight Topic

Am I the only person out there who struggles with gaining weight? My brother says I’m the only person who uses this app for weight gain. I’ve gained 1 pound tho so maybe it is working.

Me too ur not the only one

i’m having trouble with it too. Ensure protein shakes plus this app is a good combination try those

To those trying to gain weight,
Yes, you can definitely use the app to track for weight gain. It's a great idea to eat at least 6 times a day. Here is an article with other tips for weight gain.

Consistently getting the calories in is key! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Ok, sounds good. Thank you!! Good to know I’m not the only one 😅

I’m trying to gain weight too! After having my second baby (running after a toddler and breastfeeding) I’ve lost a lot and am struggling to put it back on. Glad I’m not alone!

Gaining weight