Eating with chronic COPD Topic

COPD can make exercise extremely difficult. Also during Flare Ups loss of appetite and even eating can be difficult. Weight loss is common and makes the condition worse especially in regard to lungs. This brilliant app needs to cater for such conditions.

Hi U1195438184,
Thank you for reaching out. In what way could you see the app catering to COPD? The developers are always open to receiving feedback from our users. If you are losing weight, you can use the app for weight maintenance or weight gain. If you are eating more frequently to deal with shortness of breath, you can record snacks in the snack section. Are you tracking protein to make sure you are getting enough? You may find the water tracker helpful to track your daily fluid intake which is so important for COPD.

Please let us know how the app could be better tailored for COPD. Thank you, Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Eating with chronic COPD