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I’m 46 years old, noticed I’m losing muscle and gain weight. I do intermittent 14 hour fasting and walk Every other day but seems it’s not enough. No weight loss ??
replied to U1186503519
Hi- Welcome to MyNetDiary!
Sorry to hear the scale is not reflecting your hard work. Here are a few tips:
1. Don’t panic! It sounds like you have some healthy habits in place. One thing that can help get the scale moving is strength training. Walking is awesome! might you add in some strength training a few days a week?
2. Take a break from tracking for 2 days. Perhaps you need a break to reset your mind and give yourself a break from being attached to your device. During this break I encourage folks to keep track of how they feel. Even tracking their hunger and fullness. Strive to eat something every 3-4 hours and eat only until you BEGIN to feel a sense of fullness. Sometimes when we are so dictated by tracking we lose sight of our natural hunger and satiety signals.
3. Another idea is very much the opposite of tip 2- you pick which tip seems useful to you- Return to weighing your food. Sometimes we may be eating larger portions than we realize! Here is an article on measuring portions
It can be helpful to re-visit some things we know we need to do to lose weight- to make sure we have not accidentally let our portions creep up.
4. Additional resources on breaking a plateau:https://www.mynetdiary.com/why-am-i-not-losing-weight.html
If you don’t see the scale budge in the next 5 days with these suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out again. Weight loss is hard and there is no reason to go at it alone! Joanna (Dietician for MyNetDiary)
Hello, I started keto
2 weeks ago, and I’ve been experiencing heartburn and it feels
Like it’s getting worse, I don’t eat much or eat spicy food, is this normal on keto diet?
replied to U1186182730
Hello U1186182730- The keto diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet. Yes it is true (due to how fats are digested), that they can exacerbate heart burn. If you are following the keto diet you are likely eating more fat then prior to keto. I'd suggest meeting with your doctor to discuss this and to find a weight loss diet that is right for you and your unique health. In the meantime, here is some more info on heart burn: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heartburn/symptoms-causes/syc-20373223
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Thank you
I have been following a low carb for 4 weeks now and initially lost 6lbs, but this is all my loss with low carb keto eating. I also was not having any cravings, and my hunger was also minimizing by a lot. I have also been able to do IF and only eat 2 meals. Energy was great as well. Last two days I have felt exhausted and last night I actually gave into a small bit of dessert. I still totaled 24g of carbs. My question is why do I not see my weight loss continue. Maybe not 6lbs but 1-2lbs in the right direction. Also my calories intake has been no more then 1200 most days, some times 1500. Usually I am right around 1200!! Any advice comments, feeling a bit discouraged.
Welcome to Keto Forum