Weight not shifting.... Topic

Hi - 5 months ago I stopped my 8 bottles of wine a week habit and thought the weight would drop off me. It didn't! I then started logging all I eat using other apps then this and again thought I would lose weight but it was a very slow process. I've started cycling and am now cycling approx 100 miles per week but the weight isn't shifting. Im sticking to 1200 cals per day if I don't exercise and about 1400 cals per day if I cycle. The app tells me generally I'm on course to lose between 4-6 lbs per week - I wish! I am very honest with my logging.

I'm a 47 year old female and I started at 200 lbs and am now at 185 lbs. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...

Hello Beefcake 1970,
First off, nice work on committing to consistent tracking and bike riding. That is awesome! I am certain your liver is happier now that you are not drinking the large portions of wine and I’d guess you are sleeping better as well. There are many benefits to engaging in a healthy lifestyle outside of the scale and I like to remind folks to make sure to remember the other benefits. Especially when the scale is not reflecting your hard work, as you’d like. Here are a few suggestions to get the scale moving.
1. How are you tracking. To improve the accuracy of your calorie tracking turn off viewing “contributed foods. I have found they have many data errors. You can do this in your settings.
2. When do you track? It is best to log what you are eating right at the time of eating it. Here are some tips for logging: https://www.mynetdiary.com/more-tips-for-food-logging.html
3. How much lifestyle physical activity do you do each day? While the bike riding is great, how many steps per day are you walking? Depending on your job, you may not be logging much general movement which could make it harder to lose weight.
4. How many weeks have you been doing the 1200/1400 calories per day? I was not quite clear if this is something you’d been doing for 5 months, or if this is new.
5. Consider the impact your environment has: https://www.mynetdiary.com/what-helps-us-make-the-better-food-choice-what.html
6. Kathy and I are happy to review your food records and make suggestions. Simply send us a friend request, then respond to this post, letting us know you did so and we will be able to access your records. My contact is: Jkriehn@mynetdiary.com
7. Finally, have you been to see your doctor lately? There is always a chance something could be going on with your thyroid. I would also consider making an appointment to make sure and investigate.
Hang in there! Don’t give up. Joanna (Dietician)

Hi Beefcake1970- Here is another article that may be helpful to you.

Apologies for the delayed response! I took on board your advice and read through the links. I realised I was having too much carb and not enough fibre and water so I mixed it up a bit. I also focused on moving more as well as keeping up with the cycling as I really enjoy it. It’s slowly coming off and I’m down about 50lbs in total.

I’m particularly proud of myself as still haven’t had any alcohol and don’t intend to. I never thought I would say that. I personally think that the weight didn’t drop off initially as my body went into shock with swapping wine for biking. Is it possible for that to happen?

Anyhow, I’m happier and healthier now than I have been in a long time. Still more to do but it’s enjoyable therefore not a chore. I’m excited for 2018. Thank you for your advice and thanks for the app! I use it daily and it’s a massive help and motivator.

Thanks again ??

Happy New Year Beefcake1970-Congrats on your weight loss! From what you shared it sounds like you really have been working hard and making large and small changes in your lifestyle.
As for your question about your body went into shock with extra biking and no alcohol. Here's my 2 cents: Sometimes when folks dramatically increase their exercise they retain fluid temporarily. On the scale this can look like you are NOT losing weight when in fact your body composition is shifting. Also alcohol (depending on the amt you consume) can be dehydrating. A dehydrated body on the scale equals a smaller weight. Thus no alcohol means you are becoming hydrated which is a good thing. I am so excited for your success! Glad the app is helping you! Hang in there, you got this! Joanna (Dietician)

Weight not shifting....