Tough love Topic

I slipped and I gave in to some serious snacking today. I need some tough love to get back on track! Someone tell me not to lose motivation!!! Please!

P. S. Sometimes I need to do the forgive myself and move on thing. But right now, I’m too inclined to forgive myself - and just keep forgiving myself as I eat to my heart’s delight. I need an intervention!! Stop this derailed train!

Hi ChristieHolmes.
I’m not sure if I know how to motivate you, but I was a champion snacker myself and I can pass on something which has helped me stay on track for almost a year now.
When I decided it was time to lose the excess weight, I started using this app, and I also talked to my doctor. She said two things which struck home and they help me to focus.
1) No one is force feeding you. Only you are responsible for what you put in your mouth.
2) You know what the right choices are. If you choose the wrong ones, you are choosing to be fat. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.
I try to keep these ideas in my head as a kind of mantra for when I feel tempted to go off the rails. In guess that you have to provide your own tough love, but you can do it. You’ve got this. Don’t let yourself choose to be fat!

Ok, you did it! Now! It’s time to put it behind and move full speed ahead and not look back. Add some extra exercise in the up coming days. Forgive yourself and start it over again.

Thank you both! I needed that! I’m going to plan a few big workouts this week and get myself back on track. This is worth it! I’ve got to stick to it!

You got this, you’re worth it, keep going! Find a way to reward yourself positively (not with snacks;)) if you manage to stay on track. And just think how much better lighter healthier and more energetic you’ll feel in a bit.

Hi ChristieHolmes-
Hopefully, some of the tips provided by others helped propel you forward:)
Here's the way I see it....Falling off track happens to all of us. We are all human and we don't make healthy "weight-loss" supportive choices all the time. No reason to beat yourself up, as that tends to make things worse.

Other MyNetDiary users also struggle with getting back on track after a slip, so we wrote a blog post to address this exact topic.

General weight loss tips:

Hang in there. You've got this! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hey, there are some great ideas here, love your share Omandia… tough love as you say but true!!! I’ve been using MyNetDiary for a while but not the community section. I’m in UK and would love to have a crew to rant to, ask, share etc.. can you point me in a direction? Lou

We have a Facebook accountability group if you are interested.

@highland_gigi I’m interested in the group

Tough love