MyNetDiary App Q&A Topic

Q & A on the app's features.

How can you delete a custom food?

Deleting custom foods or recipes:
Login to web program
Click on Food tab
Click My Foods icon (see top)
Click Show Custom Foods Only (see top)
Click box to left of name of food or recipe to delete
Click on name of item so it underlines
Click on delete on the right side of screen

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Can we ask for a contributed food to be deleted (contributed by someone else)? I unknowingly chose a listing for red seedless grapes with 250 cals per 100 grams. I should have been more careful but it was the first one that popped up. I would like obviously incorrect listings to not be shown.

Hiding inaccurate food items entered by other members: Hi ThinkLean - go into your settings (on web it is Account tab) and toggle off "Find Contributed." This allows you to hide other member-entered food items.

The database is growing more accurately when folks use PhotoFood Service to enter new items. This saves all of us time since we take pictures of the food label, and MyNetDiary checks our data and enters the remainder of the nutrients for us.

Read more about food items here:

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Totally confused and hoping someone can help me. I am trying to enter Turkey Meatloaf Muffins for lunch. I look up Turkey Meatloaf Muffins and nothing there matches so I try and put a recipe in and it will not let me. I noticed people talking about "edit" , but I cannot find it. Thank you, Melody

Are you trying to enter your own recipe? If that is the case then you need to click the 'recipe' link that's above "Lunch". There should be 3 options there: Same, Recent, Recipe. Recipe will allow you to enter all the ingredients in what you just ate and create a custom food for it.

Recipe entry - here's a post that might be helpful:

Also, after the post was written, MyNetDiary updated a bunch of features so you can modify a lot of fields in your recipe - you can do this by logging into the web program and using the FOOD tab to find your custom recipe for editing.

Also, this post has tips on food entry:

And this post has basic tips for using MyNetDiary for weight loss:

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

I want to keep my food diary private. All my food isn't healthy and I don't want to hear comments about what I am eating.

Hi Geniebear3, I respect that you want to keep your food diary private. You can do that by not sharing your diary with others, right? We each have our own unique plans and should not worry about feeling judged. You do what works best for you!

Take care, Brenda (Dietitian, MyNetDiary)

MyNetDiary App Q&A