Feature request - adjust apple watch quick calories digital crown sensitivity Topic
Feature request - adjust apple watch quick calories digital crown sensitivity
I love being able to enter in quick calories on the Apple watch app. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of selecting how many calories (at least on the Series 4, not sure about other watches) is too high. It takes a lot of finesse to dial in "150".
Additionally, maybe each tick should only be 5 or 10 calories. Every package I've ever seen rounds the calories to the nearest 10 (or sometimes 5), so there isn't really a good reason to say "quickly add 148 calories today". Moving the digital crown up should just be the next multiple of 5 or 10.
It would also be nice if you could tap on the calorie number while you're editing it to get to a number pad to type in the value directly rather than having to scroll with the digital crown.
Thanks - we are already preparing a new update of Apple Watch app with many improvements. In particular, Quick Calories will be using a number pad, this is indeed better than the crown.
It should be out in about two weeks, please bear with us.
Perfect, no problem! Thanks for the response and the great app!
Feature request - adjust apple watch quick calories digital crown sensitivity