Down 40 lbs and counting! Topic

Since early November, 2017, I'm down about 40 lbs. (~230 to 190)

I just had my 1st doctors appointment since starting this, and he was amazed at my progress. We did discuss what I was about to start at my last appointment, but I'm sure he has heard that a 100 times..

We ended up cutting my blood pressure meds in HALF. My blood pressure was 105/60 today, which is now too low! We also eliminated glipizide, which was for diabetes. My A1c this time was 5.8, down from 6.8 last November! Actually, I had eliminated the glipizide about 3 months ago, so this A1c reflected the lack of that already.

I'm now feeling better and seem to be more active than I was. I'm looking to drop another 20, and then see what I want to do from there.


Hi Chris (Stumpy75), Wow!!! That is fantastic progress. Losing weight usually has a great side effect of helping lower blood pressure so I'm happy that happened for you. And you are off glipizide and with a rockstar A1C! I love hearing accounts like yours. Does it feel great to see that your hard work paid off in such a concrete and measurable way?

Best, Kathy (Dietitian)

Yes. it does feel good. Unfortunately, I've had a real bad intestinal bug for a couple of days around Memorial Day, and that set me back a bit. I'm back on the program now, and we'll see how this week is.

The summer is more of a challenge for me, as I go to a lot of music festivals. It's a lot harder to eat right at those. I camp, so I can control what I eat, but their are a lot more temptations.

And today I had to deal with a real pushy person. She insisted that I have some pizza after I had explained that I was losing weight. She actually put a plate down in front of me, and said that she would be hurt if I didn't eat it. I not so nicely told her I hope she wouldn't feel too bad, but I'm not eating it! First time I've had to deal with this...

I was down an additional 3lbs since my last post, but that was before the bug got me. I'll see how I do this week...


Keep up the great work, Chris (Stumpy75)! I know what you describing - I have experienced it myself. People can be so rude sometimes. Good for you for saying "no" and sticking to it! Best, Kathy (Dietitian)

My dad never ever drank alcohol, ever his whole life. But most people never knew, why did they not know? Because at parties where he was being pressured or the host insisted on an alcoholic beverage, my dad would accept it, hold it & walk around the whole night with that one drink. You told her you, she didn't care, she insisted & forced it on you. If you told her you were an alcoholic would she still act like that?

Good analogy with the drinking. Most people I have encountered are really supportive. This was the 1st person that was not, so I guess there's one in every crowd...

I'm finally over this bug/food poisoning that got me, and I'm back on the program. I stayed even this past week at 187, so I guess I'm happy. At least I didn't gain... I know what I need to do, and I'll really get back on it this week. Whatever intestinal thing got me, the doc at 1st thought maybe food poisoning, but it went on a little long, so he's now thinking Norovirus. I was at 2 different potlucks right before it hit me, so who knows? I did ask around, and nobody else seemed to be sick(although I only talked with a few people). At the docs suggestion, he said to eat and drink whatever I could until I got better, and I did just that, although nothing tasted very good... I'm surprised I didn't lose weight through all of that! ;-)

So now, back to the music fests and the weight program!

Glad you are feeling better, Chris! Potlucks can be dicey, especially in warm weather. I used to be a certified food safety inspector and I can't help but see the list of dos & don'ts when I go to parties. :)

I'm a retired microbiologist(worked in the drinking water industry for 30+ years), so I know exactly what you are talking about. I've worked with the local health department on a lot of food poisoning cases, and understand how hard it is to pin down exactly what made people ill. Treat the symptoms and move on. With my background, I am always careful, but this time, who knows? Maybe it wasn't the potlucks at all...

Now, back to losing weight!


Hi Chris (Stumpy75),

I am a dietitian covering forum.

Good for you to get back on track with your healthy lifestyle plan! Things like illness, vacations, parties, etc., can throw our healthy focus off. The key is recognizing that, like you are, and getting back into it or developing strategies to deal with situations. Healthy lifestyle and weight loss is a journey, not a sprint, filled with peaks and valleys. So worth is though!

I read through the forum thread. Way to go improving your health parameters like that! I have seen the positive changes with weight loss with people many times but never cease to be impressed by it! Focus on the successes!

Take care!
Brenda Braslow

Down 40 lbs and counting!