20lbs down! Topic
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say hello and how happy I am to have found this app. I realized at just before Christmas (about 4 weeks ago) I had ballooned to 210 lbs. I started logging everything I ate and this made me very accountable about what I was putting into my body. I have an active job (normally burning 2000+ calories a day) so by making a big change in what I was eating, I have watched the pounds start to disappear. I honestly can't believe it's working! I have been doing it quietly (not yet telling family or friends) and yesterday my husband walked into the kitchen and said "have you lost weight?". I was excited as he has been the first person to notice. It scares me a bit that I could lose 20lbs and people can't tell but I am now only 10lbs away from my what it the upper end of my healthy BMI so that is my next goal. I am feeling less depressed, more energetic and happier. I feel a bit sad I didn't do this sooner but am glad I finally downloaded this app to kick start me into realizing how terribly I was eating. Food is defiantly an emotional soother for me. Being more in control of bad food binges is making me feel more in control of my life :)
Great job!
replied to Emmie21
Hi Emmie21, so glad MyNetDiary is helping you lose weight and become more in control of your eating habits! For all newbies, this post has tips and links so that you get the most out of MyNetDiary: http://www.mynetdiary.com/tips-for-losing-weight.html
That's awesome! Congrats! I'm a newbie and working on my first 10lbs. After that il move on to the last 10lbs.
That's so inspiring to hear! Good job!
Welcome Emmie, I'm an emotional eater too! Down about 16 pounds since January 1st, still a long way to go, but the App does work I agree. It is shocking when I look back at how bad my eating habits had become.
Well done emmie
So happy for you, it's great inspiration! Awesome stuff :)
super inspirational :)
replied to Emmie21
Yay! I am super excited for you. I too share the same story with you. I started on December 28th... WOW what a difference. I think the majority of it came from learning what an "actual" serving of food was. I spent a lot of years "guesstimating" what a serving was. My next step is to buy an actual food scale. right now, I think I spend too much time "guessing" how many ounces are in meats. I too am waiting on my 20# (right now I'm down 19.2lbs). Then to my next goal of 15lbs. Then I look forward to maintenance. I love this ap and am so grateful for giving it a try.
20lbs down!